Call for papers


STEP 1 - Short abstract submission

until 31 March 2024 | EXTENDED UNTIL 14 APRIL 2024 | CLOSED
Participants are invited to submit Short Abstracts in one of the following themes:

•      Integrated control of soft and stone fruit arthropod pests
•      Integrated plant protection of diseases in soft and stone crops
•      New developments and opportunities in disease and pest warning systems
•      Biological control of pests and diseases in fruit production

•      Organic fruit production
•      Invasive and exotic fruit pests
•      Application technology
•      Dissemination strategies in integrated production

  1. Presenting author have to pre-register first before submitting the abstract. A link to the abstract submission form will be provided in the pre-registration confirmation e-mail.
  2. Abstract should be prepared according to the template.
  3. The length of a short abstract should be a maximum of 1 page A4 including figures and pictures.
  4. Short abstract is to be uploaded as a WORD file (*.doc, *.docx). The file may not exceed 2 MB.
  5. The official language of IOBC/WPRS Joing Meeting is English. Authors must make sure that the abstract has been written in proper English. No translation facilities will be provided during the event.
  6. Please inspect your abstract carefully before submitting. However, should you find it necessary, changes will be permitted within the Short Abstract submission deadline.
  7. A maximum of 2 contributions may be presented by a single registered presenting author wi: 1 for oral and 1 for poster presentation.
  8. The author has to indicate in the short abstract submission form, whether an extended abstract or a full paper will be submitted to the conference proceedings.
Short Abstracts will be then reviewed by the Scientific Committee Members. Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email to the presenting author shortly after 30 May 2024. The correspondence will be a system notification, therefore please check your SPAM / JUNK folder shall you not have this e-mail in your inbox after that date. Please note, that abstract may be either accepted, rejected or send for revision. 


STEP 2 - Extended abstract / Full paper submission

until 30 July 2024


Authors of the short abstracts accepted to IOBC/WPRS Joint Meeting will then have to submit either extended abstract or full paper. A link to the submission update will be provided in the abstract acceptance letter. Extended abstracts / full papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

  1. The length of the extended abstract should be a maximum of 2 pages A4 including figures and pictures.
  2. Please make sure that the figures are of good quality. 
  3. Extended Abstracts may be uploaded as WORD (*.doc, *.docx). The file may not exceed 3 MB.
  4. Please make sure your Extended Abstract is formatted accordingly to the template.

  1. The length of the full paper should be a maximum of 4 pages A4 including figures and pictures.
  2. Please make sure that the figures are of good quality. 
  3. Extended Abstracts may be uploaded as WORD (*.doc, *.docx). The file may not exceed 3 MB.
  4. Please make sure your Extended Abstract is formatted accordingly to the template.